Writing a fitting eulogy
Most funeral services include a eulogy where a friend or relative says a few inspiring words about the deceased. It’s the ideal opportunity to say a poignant farewell and helps celebrate the life of your loved one.
Of course, writing and delivering a eulogy can seem a bit daunting. During a time of grief and upset, it’s difficult to know exactly where to start. Some people prepare their own eulogy, others prefer to use a favourite poem or extract. Everyone has a uniquely individual approach.
The poet Andrew Motion has said “Eulogies are for everyone. They are a reminder that each of us leads a life of special interest and value and that each of us is unique.”
Maddock tips for writing a eulogy:
- Keep it brief. When we lose someone near to us we can easily be overwhelmed by lot of memories about the times spent together. When asked to offer a eulogy at the deceased person’s funeral it may seem impossible to tell their story in a few short paragraphs but it’s best to keep whatever you have to say brief.
- Remember it’s not your eulogy. Sometimes when put in the position of having to produce a eulogy the presenter gets lost in his or her own relationship with the deceased. While that may be quite understandable, that personalisation of the event isn’t necessarily what the congregation of mourners wants to hear.
- Include some light humour . Part of delivering a eulogy can be speaking a few words about the deceased that unite the congregation in a warm, pleasant, maybe humorous memory or story.
- Be inclusive. Prepare your thoughts and comments in advance by thinking about who is likely to be present and how you could include them somehow in your words
If you feel you need help, we can offer you some guidance on writing an eulogy…