Everyone has different tastes, so the choice of coffin is up to you based on style preference – along with the budget you have to spend.
Currently, our traditional coffins are the most popular choice, made of top quality wood. We have several other options also available, and recent trends have seen coffins made of different materials become more popular. Recycled materials, wool, wicker, cardboard and bamboo are all used for coffins.
Along with different and unusual coffins, another popular choice is adorning the coffin with personal or special items, photographs, flags or special possessions are often placed on or around the coffin.
Inside the coffin is another option or placing special objects or personal mementos. Often jewellery or special gifts are included. If the funeral you’re arranging is a cremation – we may have to advise that some objects will need to be removed to meet with the crematorium legislation – if this is the case, any objects will be returned to you.
We’re here to help you choose a coffin, whatever your needs – please contact us on 01925 261803 (24-hour manned line) to talk to one of our team…